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Ecologist Team Leader

Ecologist Team Leader

Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site
60 Second Beach Road, Skidegate BC
Moderate Noise
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PPE Required
Gwaii Haanas, which translates to “Islands of Beauty” in Haida, is a protected area in southern Haida Gwaii. Gwaii Haanas is a Haida Heritage Site, a National Park Reserve, a National Marine Conservation Area Reserve protected from the ocean floor to the mountain top. Gwaii Haanas is cooperatively managed by the Council of the Haida Nation and Government of Canada. The Gwaii Haanas team is comprised of year-round and seasonal employees. Roles include: field research positions, administration and finance, visitor experience, asset management, cultural resource management and much more. In the spirit and intent of the Gwaii Haanas agreement, hiring citizens of the Haida Nation is a priority.
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Job Description

Gwaii Haanas

Are you interested in a short term opportunity to lead a busy marine monitoring program?

Ecologist Team Leader – PC-02


$83,008 to $99,509 plus $10,314 to $17,189 (Isolated Post Allowance)

Benefits Include:

Dental & Health Insurance and Vacation & Medical Travel Assistance Tenure: Full-Time, Term (6 months)

Who Can Apply:

This job is open to Haida Citizens, in the spirit and intent of the Gwaii Haanas Agreement.

Selection process number: 2024-12-CAP-GHFU-EA-Term-025

For this position, we will consider lower level appointment with opportunity to develop into this role.

If you’re interested, please reach out to us!


“If you have any questions please reach out to our HR team at We would be happy to help!”

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